Sunday, July 20, 2008


Wow, the cameras are being hit hard this week. Not sure why, but traffic is up a good bit. I still don't know why I wanted to put them on the net, and I sure can't figure out why people would even want to look at them.Not a lot going on here. But it is fun, so I will keep it up.
We put 14 miles on our bikes Saturday. Lots of things are hurting today, but it was great. My bum is getting used to the seat, but it still hurts. It doesn't help that I have 250 Lbs. being placed on a little hard seat. Or that I am pulling the boy.
Going to sort beers today for the Mountain Brewer Open today. Next Saturday is the big day. I will spend 14 or 15 hours on beer!
I plan on putting four beers and one mead in this competition. I might place with the mead, but doubt my beers will do very well. I didn't brew for this event.Just entering what I have on hand.
Till later....

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