Monday, July 7, 2008

Backyard camera

Well, I have my picturetel camera mounted out back for good now. It is 90% done anyway.
I have managed to crack three pieces of plexy so far. I need to keep the bugs and weather out of this camera, but plexy doesn't like to bend so much. So, $15.00 out the window on the plexy so far. People have been hitting the camera more now. Guess it is just because the view is different. Not that many people hit my cams anyway, but I put them up for myself and for fun. Sitting at work, I do miss being able to see my office,beer, laundry room. So I will dig up a webcam for this room now that the PTZ is outside. Next up is to mount the Livingroom PTZ out front so I can keep an eye on our cars and the neighborhood. Will replace that camera with a cheap webcam in the livingroom also. People don't need to pan and zoom in my livingroom anyway...

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