Tuesday, April 28, 2009

What updates?

Well, I guess I haven't been writing much. If you call what I do writing.So I will ramble on tonight for a bit.
As you can see, the site has not changed much. I did move the backyard camera into the (wait for it) the backyard! I still plan to move the living room camera to the front yard this summer. Might drop a viewer or two out of the six or seven viewers I have. I don't know why, but people like to move my camera around the living room a good bit. I know nothing goes on in this house and should be thankful for the people who do drop in! But I figure not many people will want to see the street or front yard. But a good bit of this site is for security.
I have been getting the pool clean.Not been in a big hurry because the weather isn't just right yet, but I figure it is about time. I am trying to get in touch with my pool woman to pick up a few more things, but she must be getting busy this time of year. Go figure. I will see her Friday one way or the other since one of her dogs comes to us every week. Rare blood problem. So I am sure she will fix me up then.
Lets see, haven't been brewing at all. I am really behind. This Saturday is big brew day. It is a "holiday" I guess you could say. Home brewers all around the world brew on this day and toast at noon. I don't think I am ready with my new system but I am going to brew anyway. I will have the help of some long time brewers to help if something doesn't go right. So on deck is twenty gallons of brew! Still not sure what yet, but it will be two 10 gallon batches. After I am sure my system works, I plan to brew my butt off all summer. Why have these taps in my house if beer isn't flowing!
What else? Well, my birthday is coming up. May 6th for those of you who live over sea's and want to send me something to drink! Anyway, I believe my wife is going to try and kill me this birthday. She really likes to hike. She has lost a crap load of weight in the last year and is in much better shape then me.(wouldn't be hard as I am in the worse shape of my life.) So anyway, we are going to Kentucky for my birthday and doing a little seven mile hike.If I don't come back make the phone calls that you need to.... My body might be hard to find in such a wooded area!
On the plus side, I do seem to be dropping some weight. I do not know how. I haven't changed anything. I am pulling up my pants about every 2 minutes now. Even the Wii says I have lost like 7 pounds. Not sure what is going on.. Just hope I am not "sick" in some bad way...
But then again, a tape worm or two wouldn't be bad.... Still get to eat, drink, and drop pounds!
I have grilled out now for about 6 days in a row. Man I love it... Nothing better then a hot grill, some raw food, and a cold beer.
Enough for now. Till later..

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

April showers..

Hello again. Helllllllooooooo.. is there anyone out there.....?
Anyway, the weather has took a turn. A turn for the worst. It was nice for a week, warm, sun, no rain....Then it went to hell. Cold, rain every day, wind... My Hop plants grew almost two feet in a matter of 15 days? And now the cold. I am not sure if they will make it. The growth I have anyway, the hops always come back. this is only the second year, but they grow like a man after a beer.
Work has been the same, pay bills and hope people keep coming in the front door. Lots of new paint and wall paper on the walls, so now I need to start moving into the rest of the place. Try to fix a building that is now 59 years old...With very little money.
On the plus side, I have one drug rep that has really stepped up and helped me out a bit. Just the one, but it is still great to feel like someone wants to help. I do owe her company about $20,000. but still she tries to help.
On the beer side, Big Brew day is coming up in May. It is a homebrew holiday of sorts. Home brewers all over the world brew together. I guess I will be doing 20 gallons on my new, untested all grain system. !0 for me, and 10 for the club president. It was his idea.. Not sure it is a good one, but I am game. So come May 2nd. I will have a LONG day. 20 gallons will take a while. Add food, games, lots o beer on hand.... Real long day... But it will be fun.

Thursday, April 2, 2009