Sunday, August 31, 2008

3rd. Brew day this month

Had a chance to brew today and jumped on it.
Brewed up a Pale Ale. A big hoppy pale ale that is. Put 5 oz. of different hops in this one. The smell that was coming out of the pot was wonderfullllllll. I used..........


The last two hop additions called for dry hopping. I hate dry hopping. It does get some nice hop smell into the beer, but I hate trying to transfer beer when it has an once or more of hops hanging around in it. So I added them at flame out instead. Will still get a good bit of aroma out of these hops.
Still looking to get my new Beverage-Air running. Just need to order the fan, and some new gas and beer lines. Money is getting very tight, and if I do get this thing running I will then want to fill it with 15.5 gallons of beer. Well, that will cost me also, so I am in no big hurry. I could just brew more and more. I have a hard time keeping 4 kegs of homebrew on tap. I doubt I could keep up if I wanted eight beers on tap!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Brew day, again

After not brewin' for the last month or two, I made my second batch this week. It was an EPA. That being an Extra Pale Ale. It went well, a full 5 gallon boil. Three oz. of Cascade hops went into it. Not enough hops, but it should be good.
If I can get to the store in the AM, I will try to pick up 21 pounds of fruit and make my big ass mead. 21 pounds of fruit, and 21 pounds of honey. This will be BIG!

The porch camera is now up. I finally ran the wires for it and drilled a second hole in our floor. I love the IR camera on the porch and back door. Lets me see in the dark and make sure people aren't coming to my house at night.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Like I need this.

Just picked up a kegerator. I couldn't pass up the deal. All it needs is a good cleanin', and a new condenser fan. Will run about $68 dollars for a new fan, or might be able to find a used one for less. I can then use this fridge for a 15.5 gallon keg, two pony kegs ,four of my kegs, or to lager in.

Need to make a crap load of changes around here. Didn't think life was going to be this way. And I can't seem to fix anything anymore. So, I will try to fix the only thing I can, myself.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Well, I wanted to brew today. I done went and got all my stuff out.(English?)(hillbilly?) And decided to boil some water in the keg to clean it out good. Even dropped in my chiller into the water to get it good and clean. That is when I found out I was out of gas. NOT that gas, I have plenty. BUT I don't have enough propane.Here I have three gas tanks, and only has a little gas left. I did get everything clean, but not sure if I can brew today. IF the wife gets home soon, I might run and get some gas. But it is almost 6pm.So who knows.
I might need to put it off till Wednesday night....
Gotta say, I can't control anything anymore, but I can drink... Doesn't help anything, but at this point, I don't care.

Monday, August 18, 2008


I am running on two taps. Two are dry, and one is about to blow. The last tap, well, isn't something I will drink fast. It is a Dark Cherry Stout. A little on the dirty side because I didn't secondary. I fill need to filter it, or let it sit for a while and transfer.
Anyway, I need to brew. Even if I made up a few batches today, it still wouldn't be ready for a while.But most of my carboys are dry, and I need to start filling them. So, come Tuesday I plan to brew two batches. And if that goes well, I will brew two more this Thursday.I need to do a batch of Mead this week also. So I should have something to write about here for once instead of bitchin'.And some photos to add to the site also.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Deck is done.

The deck is now done. I finished it last night, and even did some clean-up. So hard to be lazy when things need to be done. I ran power out to the deck, but only installed one outlet so far. I still need to sink a post in the ground for the power to the pool. Also have an eight foot ground rod to install.Seems a little over kill for one pump, but better safe then sorry I guess.
Hope to be finished up before this weekend.
Been tryin' to find a beer. Well, more then one, but one I really want to get my hands on. It is called Vertical Epic 08-08-08. They come out with this beer every year. 07-07-07, 06-06-06, etc. They tell you to save a bottle of every year made, then sit down and compare. I have tried one, and it was great, but I can't see sitting down with ALL of them. It is just hard to find any good beers down in this area. That why we brew our own I guess.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Want to be a business owner?

I don't. I thought it would be fun. It isn't.................................
Besides the mountain of debt. Besides the fact that employees don't want to work anymore. Besides the fact that people come in and want you to do everything for free. And besides the fact that no matter what you try to do, NO ONE is happy. What do you do when you have $30,000.00 worth of bills on your desk for THIS month alone, not counting payroll, and loans, and you don't have half of that in the bank? You have employees that don't understand why they are not driving a BMW? When your wife is driving a 1998 Dodge neon.....
We should never have came back to West Virginia....This State doesn't care about small business.They only care about taxes. The people of this state don't care to hold down a job for more then a year.Hell, you can always quit and go to Wal Mart, or McDonalds for a few months. Or find a way to get on some government assistants.
I am happy to have a place to vent, bitch, let it all out and not worry about anyone reading it.
So enough of that. I have started work on the right hand side of the deck. Just a small triangle to build in. Well, it is a bit bigger then the left side. And a fence is in the way, but I plan to have it done before the weekend. I set some 4x4 post in the ground yesterday, and hope to get some lumber in today and Thursday. I have been told we are having a cookout this Saturday. About twenty people or so. It is the wife's side of the family. I have met most of them, and I never care to cookout and drink with people, so it should be fun. I will post pictures, or just drop in and watch. The cameras will be up.
See ya,

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Home today..

Nothing much going on today. I have been working on the deck around the pool this week. I have one side finished and plan to start the other side today. Just small wedges of deck that need to be built out to the pool. Also working on a box to wire power out to the pool. It has been on an extension cord for a year, and they say that isn't a good thing to do. I also need to add the ground rod to the pump motor. All these things should have been done last year. But hey, better late then never...
Will be digging holes and setting 4x4's today. Might even get a little lumber up. Who knows.
Sticking with home brewed beer today I believe. The Chili beer, and a Victory beer called Hop Wallop, just hasn't been doing it for me. I do have some special 22 oz. bottles of beer on hand, but I will save them for a later date. Besides, the bitter I made on May 3rd. is finally coming around. It just isn't bitter enough. But I don't believe I have found anything bitter ENOUGH.
I signed up for Face book. Just wanted to see what it is about. It has made me a little sad to tell the truth. I knew I didn't have many friends, OK, almost NO friends, but when you are forced to look for friends to add to face book, or sit around and see if someone finds you, It drives a point home. I have always been a bit forgetful, busy, and don't go anywhere except home and work. I guess my personality isn't the best either. Either way, why cry about it. I believe I do have one friend, and he is the best they come. So, I wont bitch. Lets just see how long it takes to piss him off..........
Going to start taking tools out back, till later.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Beer review

Since I like beer, and I need to update this blog once in a while, I am going to do a beer review once and a while. No one reads this anyway so I will do what I want.....waaahaahhaaahhaaa...
Anyway, the beer of the day is....Cave Creek, Chili Beer.It is Brewed and bottled by,Black Mountain brewing company-Tecate,Baja California, MX for Black Mountain Brewing Company-Cave Creek, AZ
The bottle is clear glass,12oz. with a rather plain label.A green Chili pepper wrapped in red color, on a gold background. The label says this is a Premium Lager Beer with Chili pepper added. Also, as stated above, a product of Mexico. Now, as far as the pepper, yep, it is in the bottle. Looks to be a green chili pepper about 2.5 to 3 inches long. Opened the bottle and get slapped across the face with pure chili smell.I guess that is why I picked up this six pack. I love beer, and I love HOT. Well, with the first taste to the last, it is HOT...Is it a premium lager? Who the hell knows. The heat blocks out any flavor of beer. IF this was a big IPA, it still would be hard to taste the beer. I believe this six pack will last for a time. I was working outside digging holes to finish the deck around the pool while tryin' this beer. It did nothing to cool me off, or even touch my thirst.
But, like I said, I like heat so I will drink this beer. Just not all at once. The website for this beer is on the bottle. I haven't looked yet, but it is....

Monday, August 4, 2008


To the wonderfullllll people who sit around and write Trojans, virus programs, worms, etc. DIE>>>>>>>>>>>
Yet again if it wasn't without help from Travis at , I would be without my laptop.
Nice little bug called AntivirusXP 2008. That and a few other little things on this computer (MIMAS) shut me down purty good. But, I have learned my lesson. No more bare back on the Internet. Now, I need to start with backing up all my machines. All named after Planets, or moons. The laptops being the moons. Get it? Care at all? NA, me either.
Just a quick post. Just like the site, nothing to see here.

Went for a quick bike ride with the wife last night. I believe she is tryin' to kill me. Went up some big hills, came down bigger hills, and took a bug to the eye. It was getting dark, going around 15 miles per hour in the park, and something was coming at me at ?? inches per hour. Hit me smack in the right eye. It hurt a bit... Sure the bug wasn't happy about it either.