Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Beer, mead, and camera update.

Look here, a second post in the same year.....
Since I am starting this over again, I need to say that I like beer. I like it so much that I also homebrew my own beer. It is kind of hard to find beers here in WestVirginia that you might find in other states. Don't ask about our stupid laws.
Any way, today I racked,(moved) Two beers to new carboys. One is a Barley Wine that is about a year old now. It is running about 13.2% ABV. Strong, thick, chewwy, with just a hint of hops. The second beer I moved was an EnglishBitter that I brewed on May 3rd.for BigBrew Day.It tasted thin, hopped, and clean when I tried it. I will keg this beer in a few days when some of the dry hops drop to the bottom. I was going to rack a third beer when my auto-siphon broke... I took gravity readings on both these beers and a Mead that was made in March of this year. It is very nice, if not a little high on the Alc. might need to add some honey later in the year. Going to try to brew a Stout today and move a Dark Cherry stout today also.
On the camera front, I plan to mount the back yard camera in its enclosure this Thursday. It will show the backyard and pool much better then it does from the window.

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