Thursday, June 18, 2009


I am a man. A beer drinking, Copenhagen usin', stinky MAN!
I have never really worried what I looked like,how I smelled, or worried about how much red meat I eat.
But today I messed up. We (the family) will be going to the beach soon. In ...lets say 2 to 6 weeks....Last year I had a little bit of sun poisoning. So today I used a tanning bed. It was hard to walk into a place that was full of 20 something good looking people. I am not worth looking at to most. But I did it because I didn't want toburn at the beach. Or have people try to roll me back into the water........ But that is beside the point.
Anyway, I felt that a stand up "bed" was more manly. I hear it is a "level 2" bed. But I don't know what that is.... Anyway, this is my first time, I have NO idea what I am doing, and I tell them to set me at 12 min.
I now know, hours later, this was a mistake. Well, I knew it was a mistake 30 minutes after I left. But it is getting worse. The red has done spread.....And I don't want to tell you that 7 minutes into it I took off the undies... So I will just tell you that I HURT almost everywhere!
If anyone was unlucky enough to look in on the cams around noon, you may have caught my fat ass walking all over the house without a shirt. Sorry.. I hope I didn't damage your eyes. I try to keep my clothes on when the cameras are running.. And now, I look like a lobster. A fat one.. Ready to be put in a pot.
And I still feel like a girl for going to a tanning bed in the first place.
So if are unlucky enough to tune in and see me half dressed, it is because I am a little hot... And my skin hurts....
Till next time....

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