Wednesday, May 20, 2009

It is May?

Howdy, not been here for a bit. I guess I just haven't felt like blogging much.
Work hasn't been going well. The money just isn't coming in. I have 10 total employees and I just want to send them home with a paycheck and pay the bills. It is getting hard to do.
So lets skip the talk about work.
Summer is almost here. I will be very happy when the rain stops. Seems like it has been falling for 3 to 4 weeks now.
Need to finish the pool soon. The kids are asking me every hour or so when it will be ready. I will finish it soon. I can't make the water warm but I don't think they will care.
Anyway, not much of a post, but I tried. Just not been very happy as of late.

1 comment:

Copeland Hill said...

beautiful Memorial day weekend to drink a beer outdoors in West Virginia, is it not?