Friday, September 5, 2008

Small Changes under way

Have made some small changes to the site. Nothing the two of you might notice, but I was wanting to add, change, or fix some problems. Nothing big yet.Just changing the layout of this blog, adding links to cams that are planned, and tryin' to do something with the front page. I did manage to add a picture, but some might miss it because it takes a little to long to load.
I still can't figure out why the blog link from the site sometimes puts a %20 on the end..? This takes you to a page that says the blog doesn't exist. But it isn't like I am typing out a great novel here, so I guess it doesn't matter.
The cams have been a little dead as of late. Well, more so then normal. The kids have went back to school!!!!!!!! wooooo hoooooo. So we are not around much. I pick up the girl at 2:40 pm then the boy at 3 to 3:30. The wife takes the girl to school at 7:30am, then I leave with the boy at 8:40am or so. Then I am off to work.
Speaking of work. Money is getting tight. With the cost of gas, too many competitors, and I guess bad mojo, we are having a hard time. Not sure what to do at this point. Besides find a rich person who likes animals and wants to toss about $780,000.00 my way?!
Anyway, the cams are still running, I am still brewin' beer, and I hope to have two or three more cams up before the end of the month, year? Who knows.
See ya.....

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