Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Lookin' for a reason........

To be here....
Looking for a reason to keep the site up....
Looking for a reason to get up in the morning........ What ever.......

I am sick of fighting the computer issues. And I have never really known why I do this in the firrst place... Right now I am running three desk top computers for this site 24/7.
One computer works 25% of the time for family use.
One DOESN"T work for family use, but puts the cameras out???? Why one way but not the other? Hell, I can't use IE or Firefox without this computer shutting down within 40 seconds.
The third, Well you can surf, but click a link and walk away for 5 minutes or more... Then the site you asked for might show up.
So I am sick of computer problems. The only computer that works well is my trusty laptop. And I just took it to a friend to get rid of a nasty virus/spyware/walware????? What ever.....
And to kick a dead dog, two days later I got a second bug. After 4 hours or so, I was able to get rid of this one all by my self. And believe me, that is sayin' something. I am not good with this computer stuff. And if it wasn't for I wouldn't be here online at all. I just know what I want online, and I am only 45% there. I can't do the site like I want, and things are going wrong left and right. Not to mention my main "machine" seems to be on its last legs. And let me tell ya. When this one goes down, I don't know if I will bother. Sure, it doesn't seem like much to sit around and load software, but ya gotta remember, I MADE cables to move cameras, I forced software to work when it didn't want to, I added video cards and kicked the shit out of each one to make them work.
Short way of sayin' this is............I am worn out. On the website,work,life, whatever. I have always looked for reason I put some of my home online......Now I am looking for more reasons........ANY reasons, on why we do ANY of this.
ANY OF THIS.......................................


Unknown said...

Come on, buck up. It can't be all that bad can it? One reason to have the site? How about meeting new friends for one? I for one look forward to getting on the site, but if you feel it just isn't worth it, cut it.Maybe one thing you can do is take it down, do maintenance and improvements, then put it back up bigger and better than it was before.
Most of all,,,,smile and have a beer. BC

Anonymous said...

Brian, i know what you are going through, but please don't give up your site, i know there are other sites but not that many, we need more and more cam sites just like yours and mine, its cool to see how another person or family live, you don't have to have the cams on 24 7 if its too much but try and not to take all your cams off. I had an issue with my hall cam and bedroom cam which were on one webcamxp in my bedroom, what would happen is that after a short period the hall cam would lag and if I viewed the cam on my cams page I had to either refresh the page many times to view but most of the time I had to shut down webcamxp and connect again then it would be fine again for a period, then I thought let me do it so my hall cam comes on the laptop in my spare bedroom which is shared with my outside cam, now everything is fine and good, I just don't know why it wouldn't work good on my bedroom laptop because there is no difference really between my bedroom laptop and the one in my spare bedroom, but sometimes trying out things is the answer, I have 8 laptops and use 7 to stream my 9 cams, doing windows updates and other stuff is a pain but I have a lot of time on my hands I guess, anyway, Brian try not to give up your site, if you really really have to, then try to stream your cams, ok, take care and merry Christmas to you and your family.