Monday, August 24, 2009

Nothing much to report...But will anyway.

Little slow around the home front, and crazy at work.But we wont talk about sewage backup right now....
Have cooked out about 15 times in the last 20 days. LOVE it. Will continue with pork tenderloins Tuesday.
Been painting the third floor this past weekend. We will be moving the 10 year old up to this new bedroom next weekend or so. I have been looking out the windows a good bit and wondering if it is time for two or three new cameras..? Wouldn't be a great view for you all, but great from the security standpoint. Well, one could give a great birds eye view of the pool and back yard. God knows I have the cameras sitting around.. Just need to look into a computer...Just what this house needs.........
Kids start school VERY SOON!!!!!! woohoo.....
Thought I might have more to say tonight, but guess not.....

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