Monday, August 3, 2009

Issue after issue....

Just a little update I guess.
I can't find the bad code, or even know if my site was hacked or not.
This is what I do know. If I use Firefox to go to my site, I get massive attack site warnings. It is a pain to get around, and a pain to see. It even says something in google under my site name that it may do harm....
If I use IE, no warnings come up. But, it does block a pop up from opening. I clicked this pop up a year or more ago, and it wanted to download the newest Flash player. Is this why I am now getting "attack site warnings"? Because my site tries to download the newest Flash player? OR, is that a bug someone put on my site on the server side?
I don't know......I do believe I have lost some of the few people that come here.
I put a new network card into the living room computer today. It drives the living room, porch and front door cameras. I thought it might help. And it did for an hour or so. It is still dropping the network again. It doesn't seem to happen all the time, just here and there. So I guess the next thing to do is change out the cat-5 wire again.Not that it matters if I can't get rid of the attack site crap.
So I lost it on my last post...... I just hate being dumb. Having no idea how to fi this stuff...
Haven't had any problems with the Dining room and kitchen cameras since getting backfrom vacation. Knock on wood.... But if they start going down again, on top of these other problems, I might just give up this site...


Copeland Hill said...

you were told some weeks ago by two loyal viewers that a pop up appeared every time a cam was viewed. Do u read the comments?

Bks said...

Yes, I do read my comments. I am happy when people take the time to comment, and check the blog and guest book every day. When I was told about the pop up, I tried my best to figure out what it was and why it was coming up. As far as I could tell, it was only a pop up for flash player.I have been honest from the get go that I have no idea what I am doing here. I thought the pop up was part of WebcamXP and only came up when people needed it to view the cameras. I guess I was wrong. And if someone hacked my site, or some other program put this pop up on my site, I have no idea what to delete to get rid of it. I see the code. But I don't know how much of the code is bad. If I delete to much is my site gone? If I don't do anything will the last 3 or 4 people that come here go away?
I don't now....I am upset, I am website stupid, and everything is falling apart.... So I don't know what to do anymore.
I am beyond glad to have loyal viewers, and I hope that stay. But I can't afford to pay for a site that I want this one to be. And unless one of my viewers can make me a new site, I don't know what to do....

Copeland Hill said...

Thanks for the reply...good luck.

I switched to Firefox and no pop up or alert has appeared since doing so.

Is it possible your security setting on IE or Safari is too high.

We live in a very small town in West Virginia and have had no luck finding folks to help with web or other computer problems.