Sunday, September 4, 2011

Too much meat..

Well, The new smoker did come, and I have already put it to go use.
Smoke #1 Was three racks of baby back ribs, and a beer-can-chicken. And that was just the top rack. I could have cooked much more.
Smoke #2 was four, count them, four pork butts. Not sure why they call them butts, but whatever. My daughter had a sleep over with 9 other girls running all over the house, so I hid outdoors over night smoking these 27 + pounds of pork. I started them at 7Pm, and pulled them at 6Am. Let them rest in foil for 1.5 hours, then pulled the pork.
Smoke #3 was a crap load of Atomic Buffalo Turds. And a Fatty. If you don't know what that is you need to look it up! Kinda like a heart attack from just looking at it.
I love this Weber Smokey Mountain. So much better then my old Brinkman (E.C.B.)
"The wife" always makes me feel good when I cook. She says she would rather have my cooking any day then going out to eat.
Weather is a changing, it will be time to close the pool soon. And I have some building projects for the back deck before it gets too bad. Just need to get off my butt and move I guess.
I have added some pictures of my cooking. Hope to add some more beach pictures soon. IF the Outer Banks is fixed up after the storm.. Haven't heard about the section we are going to.
Also hope to have my remote cameras up for this trip.
My guest book doesn't seem to work 95% of the time, and I don't believe I will work hard to fix it. To many damn idiots out there. I just delete most of the bad stuff. No free speech here. Just MY speech. People want to say hi, that's great, people want to talk about my kids, or say things they shouldn't, well, just say goodbye and be on your way.


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