Thursday, April 28, 2011

Brew Day is coming up.

May the 7th is Big brew day.. But I guess I should explain..
Big Brew is a celebration of National Homebrew Day (May 7th). Each year home brewers around the world invite family and friends to their brewing site on the first Saturday in May to celebrate the holiday. Everyone is encouraged to help out with the brew, enjoy the fun and join in on a world-wide toast at noon Central time.

And this year, it looks like more members of our local home brewing club will be brewing together then in the past few years. I love this get together more then any of the other monthly meetings.
And this year I will miss it... The wife and I will be going on a little trip. Just a little alone time at our first bed and breakfast. So, I might be missing big brew this year, I think our little trip will be really fun.
So, since I wont be here to brew with my fellow club members, I plan to brew this Saturday instead. I am going to start at noon. I will be brewing an all grain, ten gallon batch, of Caribou Slobber! A nice looking Brown Ale.
Wish me luck. I haven't made a batch of beer for a while, but I plan to chance that this summer. After all, I have four empty taps in my back room.. Would love to be able to pull any beer at any time!

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