Friday, March 12, 2010

Now what..

I am still here. And I broke my own rules again by fixing three cameras that went down.
Well, first the server that insanitycam is on was down for a day or so. Then when it went back online, my living room computer started acting up. I believe it is in the cat5 wire under the house. I have replaced the network card twice, but it doesn't seem to be the problem. Funny thing is, it comes and goes. So right now I have cat5 wire #2 running all over the house. Can't wait for the wife to see that.
I didn't cover the pool this winter, and now I am payin' for it. It was a nasty shade of green when the ice melted...Not to mention scummmmmmm... I have added a ton of chemicals, and now have the pool a loverly shade of blue... Of well, a week or so longer, it might be ok.
If I ever come up with the extra cash, I will get the two kitchen cameras back up. Also looking at a PTZ cam in the front yard.

Till later, Bks

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you are still here, few sites have been going down, we need more cam sites on the net, nice, family cam sites that is, take care.