Saturday, June 6, 2009

Beer, beer,and MY beer.

I have been picking up a LOT of store purchased beer. Nothing wrong with that I guess. When I need good beer, I just go to Ohio, or Kentucky. If I don't make it out of town, I just pick up the best (LOL) of what I can here in town. I did make my very first batch of all grain on May 3rd. and it was great. I gave the first 5 gallons away, but I still have 5 gallons or more in a carboy in my basement. Long story short, I need to keg this batch! I am sick of going to the store when I have beer ready to go. I just need to keg the damn thing. So I have a keg soaking. I picked up some more tubing tonight to transfer with, so first thing in the AM I will move this beer to a keg. Monday noght I will have 5 gallons on tap to drink. Only other thing I have on hand is a Barley Wine, and a Mead. The barley wine is not something I like. But I made it almost two years ago when I really didn't know what I liked yet. It is good. Don't get me wrong. It is far better then I ever thought it would be, and might wine me an award or two, but not something I can sit and drink. The mead, well, you don't want to drink more then half a glass or two at a time. It is some strong stuff! It is also about two years old.
This coming Saturday I will be doing my second ever batch of all grain. It will be ten gallons of American Pale Ale. It will be close to 4 weeks before I can drink it, but maybe I wont need to pick up any beer before it is ready. I hope to brew again within 2 or 3 weeks after this APA. Before long I willl be caught up. I don't have many friends and I am not sure why ( It must be me....) but how many people do you know with 5 taps in the back room? Come 6 or 7 weeks, I will have them all running. Friends or no, I can drink myself happy.... Or try..............
I have 2 pounds of hops coming in the mail in the next day or so, and Thursday I will be picking up 110Lbs. of grains. This should last me for a few brews!

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