Thursday, December 18, 2008

New camera added.

Well after plugging away at the computer for hours I figured out my problem and got a new camera going. I was working with ports on my router, settings in WebcamXP, settings in the web page, and finally figured out the problem. I had set up the IP on this system the right way, just in the wrong place. I added a wireless USB drive to this computer to network. That is where I needed to set up the IP. Not on the internal network card. I learn, slow, but I learn. So, I have one webcam set up in the living room. The link to the kitchen camera goes to this same camera. I will change that when I get the other webcam going. Wife is far from happy. So the camera hasn't been up much today. It was our day off after all. I wish she liked the site as much as I do, but she doesn't. When the dining room and kitchen camera are up I plan to have them off most of the time. Sad, but I need to give a little. I plan to build something for the living room PTZ soon and stick it outside. That is where I was always going to put it, it has just got pushed back on my list for a while. But look it here, after two years or so this site has finally started becoming what I always wanted. Well, except the design part! But a little at a time I guess.
For Christmas this year, my wife told me to order some things to finally get into all grain brewing! I can't wait to make my first batch. Might be able to shot for the middle of January.
I am sure I will be missing those last little things, and wont even know it until I am in the middle of the brew.But it will be fun. Oh, and I am still missing one more brew pot. So I guess I will need to spend a$100+ to purchase a used beer keg. They are far to hard to find now-a-days.(Legal kegs anyway). So I will need to buy one. I wont bother to bitch about the keg I HAD for this. But I will tell you I will never see it again.
Enough for now. Look for the kitchen camera soon. I will keep adding cameras as long as I can! Wife did say that once the cameras make it to the second floor, or third floor, she is gone. And since I do like her, I guess I will keep them down stairs!

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