Saturday, October 25, 2008

Wet and nasty day.

Been rainin' on and off for about 18 hours now. Pool cover is starting to collect a good bit of water. Last year I didn't take care of it like I should, so this year I will try a little harder.
I kegged two beers yesterday. An Extra Pale Ale, and a big IPA. Hope the hop flavor comes out in both. I fill force carb them some time today, then we will know.
My back has been messed up for a month or so now. It is in the muscle. But always hurting. After moving the beers, lifting them up and over the edge of my chest freezer, oh, and helping Travis remove the steps from his pool, I am hurting. Hurting bad. I had to roll out of bed into the floor this a.m.. Plan to eat something soon just so I can take something for the pain.

Going to host a chili cookoff here at the house on November 1st. The beer club is coming over, so should have lots of beers and chili on hand. Can't wait.

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